Friday, March 21, 2008

Latest Pics & Dr. Visit Updates

As you can see by the pictures, Mr. Bryce is definitely growing. Since the main doctor I've been seeing is out with his ill father, I saw Dr. Loncar this past Wednesday. She's great...I love all the doctors in the practice. I had gained another pound since last week so I'm up to 143 now. My belly measured 38.5cm which means he's right on track for when they want to induce me (the end of March/first of April...but NOT April 1st!). We don't know how much he weighs, but we do know that when they measure my belly it should correlate with the number of weeks I am. When I was at the doctor I was 36 weeks and 5 days so he was measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I was 70% effaced and dilated to 1cm! We've progressed a little bit! Because of my so-called "gestational diabetes" they do fetal monitoring on me each visit for 20-30 minutes. This tracks his heartbeat and detects any contractions I may have. The entire time I was hooked up to the machine his heartbeat varied from 154bmp to 162bmp and he was moving around like crazy. Toward the end he had the hiccups which you could hear through the was so sweet!

We go back to the doctor this coming Wednesday. Hopefully after this visit we'll know for sure when they want to induce me...that is, if he doesn't come on his own!

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