Sunday, March 16, 2008

9 Months & Patiently Waiting!

Well, things are coming along and getting bigger everyday. I've been slacking on updating everyone after my doctor visits, but here's the latest: Last Wednesday, Doc said he would definitely want to induce me between 38 and 38 1/2 weeks. This puts us into the last week of March, probably somewhere around the 26th or 28th. He says everything is going great. I weigh 142 lbs. and my belly is measuring 36 cm (just as it should). He's fully convinced that I don't have a diabetes problem and that I probably really never did, but they had me take the insulin because of what my glucose test results showed. I still check my fasting sugar levels a couple of times a week and it's still been great. I go back to the doctor Wednesday, 3/19, and think that we'll probably go ahead and schedule an induction. From two weeks ago to last week, I had not progressed any. I was still 50% effaced, had not dilated at all and my station was -2 (for those of you who don't know what "stationing" is, it's where the baby's head is in comparison to the pelvis, 0 is when the baby has fully settled into the pelvis, but has not began his decent into the birth canal yet). So Bryce has "dropped" but he's not fully settled into the pelvis right now. I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions so I know my body is warming up...we just don't know how long it plans to keep warming up!

I'll try my best to post the last word from the Doc after we go this Wednesday. Hopefully, you'll being seeing pictures of Bryce really soon!

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