Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm 5 months old now!!

Well I am growing like a weed. I am 17 lbs. 9 oz. and 26.5" long. My thighs are 9", calves are 7", head is 17.25", feet are 4.25", my chest is 17.5", my bicep is 6", and my waist is 17.5". I am eating 4 Tablespoons of rice cereal with apples every night and morning, and eating about 4 oz. of breast milk each feeding. I usually eat 5 times a day. I have tried Rice with bananas, and regular rice. I have been cutting teeth, so I haven't been sleeping through the night every night. I have 2 teeth breaking the gums. It is pretty early to cut teeth, but I have plans to be early on everything, lol!

This is me in my cutest outfit.

Look at those big blue eyes! Here's me and my Nanna at Auntie Em's bridal shower.

Hanging out with my new buddy Dax, at Mekenzie's birthday party.

Sleeping on my Mommy is my favorite place to sleep!

I am happy all of the time. No reason to frown!

With Daddy at my first high school football game. They kept trying to get me to sign a letter of intent.

I can't wait to try this stuff. My Mommy and Daddy sure seem to like it!

I am truly a ladies man! This is a standard look for me when I get around the ladies!

Ripping it up on the dance floor!

Friend of mine, Robby Tebow. Maybe you have heard of Tim Tebow, hiesman trophy winning quarterback for Florida, this is his brother, maybe you can see the resemblance, lol.

Watching the fireworks during Boomsday!

Learning to crawl at 4 months. Still trying to get it down, but learning way too early!


The Langfords said...

Yall look great!! It is so nice to see the updates. He is growing like a weed!!

Laura Herring said...

Mekenzie always wants to see pictures of "baby", Amy, and "Uncle" on your blog. Today when I was showing her the new pictures she pointed at Bryce and said "Happy Baby!". =)

Anonymous said...

It is so good to see you guys again (at least on the blog). We miss you guys.